shlibs Exit Reader Mode

shlibs Queries

shlibs at its simplest is a script manager. shlibs runs interpretable scripts based on codes (for libs using official format) or paths.
When launched with no options, shlibs goes into query mode. In this mode a user can search utility (library) code or path using keywords. Let’s see how to perform effective shlibs queries and what options are available and can help during search.

Depending on user’s needs, shlibs can perform simple lexical queries, or complex queries using focused search, library versions and path lookups.
The results of search operations are displayed using a paged list which can be navigated back and forth. A slightly modified form of query takes place when setting up shell scripts ( -s option ), but the main principles remain the same and a couple of options required by scripts are added.
Let’s take a look at each one of them in detail.

Simple Lexical Queries with shlibs

When not involved in the development of shlibs core and shlibs libraries, or not using custom libraries, it is recommended to use simple lexical queries.
Simple lexical queries and other advanced queries are all using keywords, spaces ( ) and commas (,).

Space character acts as logical AND operator between keywords. This means that shlibs will look for libraries containing all of the keywords which are separated by space characters, without looking at the order.

Comma character acts as logical OR operator between keywords. This means that shlibs will look for libraries containing some of the keywords which are separated by comma characters.

In order to start a search type the keyword(s) and press Enter (Return) key. Any keywords added after a query is complete will be automatically separated with a comma from the previous existing keywords or sequences of keywords. In any circumstance the user can declare his own spaces and commas and these will be treated as specified above.

Let’s take a look at a few examples using default libraries packed with shlibs:

Basic Query Options

When in query mode a couple of options are available and can help while searching. By default these options are briefly described when usable. In order to hide these instructions and make room for query results, you can go to var/ file and change the value of variable SHLIBS_SHOW_OPTIONS to 1 (important! see Settings affecting shlibs queries).
Basic query options are single letter options which can be used at any time in a query. By default, when unassigned single characters are used for a query, shlibs will show the examples ( corresponding to option [ x ] ).

Navigate Forward to the next page by entering f
Navigate Back to the previous page by entering b

Library Specific Options

Showing library help in query mode
Showing library examples in query mode
Selecting a library in shlibs query mode

Focused Search and Path Lookup in shlibs and shlibs Queries

Official libraries have unique code names. For this reason it is sufficient to use library code to call an official utility i.e. shlibs str005. Behind the scenes shlibs actually looks for any library files having the code provided as name while maintaining priorities as follows:

It is quite possible a situation where you call your own libraries in dev folder and instead get an official library with the same name just because of the default priority lookup described above.
To avoid such situations paths must be specified.
shlibs uses UNIX style paths which start with the main type of library as follows:

After the main type of library, a relative path to the desired library must be specified.
In the example below dev section contains two libraries having the same name dupli001, but different locations.

Duplicate library names in the same section

In order to call each one of these libraries we can use:

It is intended to keep the same codes for the official libraries during all releases of shlibs in such a way that your scripts which include calls to shlibs official libraries will always work even when upgraded to use latest versions of shlibs and shlibs official libraries.
However given the flexibility allowed for dev and community sections, it is highly recommended to use path lookups in your scripts.

Following the specifications above, shlibs queries implement focused search and unfocused search techniques.

Focused search is the default type of search implemented by shlibs. This style of search does not allow the usage of Basic Regular Expressions. Focused search allows the user to narrow down the search to a specific section by using the format section/keywords i.e. community/keyword_in_both_dupli001_files.
If we consider the example above where the file name dupli001 can only be found in dev section, and keyword ‘search_term’ it is only contained by dupli001 files, a shlibs query using format community/search_term will fail (please note the fact that community is stripped from the keywords line).

Focused search 1
Focused search 2

If we are not narrowing down the search we should be able to see the libraries in dev section as usual:

Focused search 3

Unfocused search enables the use of Basic Regular Expressions, but does not allow narrowing down search to specific section i.e. community/search_term cannot be used to narrow down the search. Use sequence ‘k+‘ in front of the keywords in order to enable unfocused search i.e. k+str*.

Unfocused search 1
Unfocused search k+str*

If we are not using k+ in front of str* then shlibs performs focused search which disables BRE and the result will be different:

Focused search str*

Using Library Versions with shlibs

Folders Structure required by shlibs Libraries Versions

When the official format for libraries is implemented, shlibs can recognize library versions if used.
The following example shows two versions of official libraries in use: 1.0.0 and 1.0.7. Please note the folders’ structure used for versions.

Users developing shlibs libraries for official or private use can enable the display of library versions in query / setup script mode by changing the value of variable SHLIBS_SHOW_VERSION_IN_QUERY to 0. In order to enable this option:

The following query using keyword ‘random’ outputs 4 libraries: 2 for each of versions 1.0.0 and 1.0.7. In this example the versions of the libraries are different.

It is quite possible that some libraries in different versions have the same code and same version. In this case, if no other instructions given, shlibs will use the library in the latest available version of the libraries.

If versions found, irrespective of the value of SHLIBS_SHOW_VERSION_IN_QUERY, when a library is selected in query mode, additional info is displayed as shown in the example below where the user selected library no 2 in the results list (str022).

In order to select a certain version of a library, the option -v is used. This option must be used immediately after shlibs i.e. shlibs -v 2 str022.
Option -v must be followed by the release number of the version as indicated in the query results list. If the release number of a library does not exist, shlibs returns the latest available version.
A couple of other options can be used with -v :

Settings Affecting shlibs Queries

As described in this post, all shlibs settings can be changed from the same file located at var/
The following variables declared in var/ file can affect the queries: